This has pretty much every classic Sonic game that the Sonic Mega Collection didn't include.

User Rating: 7.2 | Sonic Gems Collection GC
In this collection you get: 1. Sonic The Fighters 2. Sonic R 3. Sonic CD 4. Some Gamegear games You even get a couple non-Sonic games which are Vector Man and Vector Man 2. As you can see in it's name Sonic The Fighters is a fighting game. Sonic R is a racing game and the rest are platformers. The Game Gear games ain't as good as the rest but then again they are Game Gear games afterall. If it wasn't for the Game Gear games I would give this collection around an 8. It's not that I hate them. I just don't like them as much. It's common sense that a Sonic fan should check this out. It has Sonic CD. A game that most Sonic fans love. So be sure to check it out.