Sonic Forces Reviews: Why?

User Rating: 2 | Sonic Forces NS

Overall: 2/10

Sonic Forces. Sonic Forces. Why? Why? WHY! Why was this game so bad? Why did they make it so buggy and flawed? Why? So a little background: I bought Sonic Forces right after I beat Sonic Mania. I saw the reviews, I was a bit reluctant but I still bought it. Did I think that it held up comparing it to Mania? No, no it did not. So let's get into this trash. Also, I will be calling Modern Sonic MS at some points in this review.

Gameplay: The main gameplay consists of three things: Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, and your own custom avatar. Let's get started with Classic Sonic. Classic Sonic comparing him to Generations, controls like a penguin sliding on ice. Not just normal ice, really, really, REALLY slippery ice. He slides around, he loses momentum once you gain it, and his spin-dash has been nerfed to levels of Knuckles' Chaotix. He isn't fun to play, and he controls like trash. He gets a whopping 2/1,000. The next is Modern Sonic. He is fine. He controls the same his levels are short, there is not much to say here. Except, as I said, Modern Sonic's stages are so short, that once they begin it ends. Other than that he gets a 5/10 because he has nothing noteworthy nor anything important. The final thing is your custom avatar. This was the best part of the game. Too just customize your avatar, was just so much fun comparing it to your avatar's gameplay. Other than that your avatar controls and plays exactly like Modern Sonic. However, they do have something up their sleeves: The wispons. These range from bad to ok. Many of them don't work at all. Many of them do but are arbitrarily useless, as to how many of them are just used for combat. And when considering that a Sonic game is all about speed and platforming, they don't work. Some of them are used for platforming, but none of them really worked, and fall into the bad category of the wispons. So overall the overall gameplay gets a 3/10. Oh wait, I forgot to talk about the boosting. Modern Sonic has a boost it's just the same as Generations. However, MS and your avatar can do a double boost! It's really lame, even if you missed the prompt all that happens is they just fumble to boost. Same score. 3/10.

Music: The music was fine. It sounded a lot like an anime intro, but it was fine. Considering how bad the gameplay was, the music was nice. It gets a 8/10. Also when Infinite uses the Phantom Ruby the same sound that the purple gem from Sonic Mania plays.

Atmosphere/Story: The main story is that Eggman makes a thing called Infinite, who uses the Phantom Ruby to manipulate reality to become an illusion. Infinite at the beginning of the game beat up MS, who is then tortured for years, and Eggman takes over the world. All of Sonic's friends form a resistance and try to free the world. Sound like a cool plot right? WRONG! They barely do anything with the concept of Modern Sonic, and they barely do anything with the resistance plot. It's just a generic resistance plot! Other than that the story wasn't very important in this game, but then why make it seem so deep when in reality it is actually shallow? All in all, it gets a 3/10.

The bosses/enemies: They are just normal enemies, they aren't special. They just are there. Same with the bosses. None of them where that fun nor challenging. I hate all of them so they get a 1/2,000,000. Also you just constantly fight the same enemies over and over again, where are the unique designs Sonic is known for? They aren't here when every other sonic game has unique designs!?

The level design: I normally don't mention this, but I just had to for something this terrible. Each level is terrible. Most of them for Classic Sonic doesn't work for him, they work against him. Making them unplayable messes. Modern Sonic stages are just boring. Same with your avatar's stages. These get a 5/10.

The final boss: Eh. That's really it, it's just the same as sonic colors' final boss. But what is good about it is that each character has to weaken it. Reminds me of King K. Rool's boss fight in DK 64. But DK 64 does it better because each character actually controls well. All of the garbage in Classic Sonic comes here, making his un-bearable. Modern Sonic's is fine, except the floor falls to the ground. I don't even remember what the custom avatar was. Like I said the final FINAl boss, is just the same one is Sonic Colors. It gets a 3/10.

Ending: Basically the world gets freed from Eggman. And tails says, "True Dat." It's fine. 5/10.

In the end, this game is terrible and you should not play it. If you do, play it only for the music.