Sonics attempt at an Rpg didn't go as well as I would have hoped.

User Rating: 7 | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood DS
Whe I heard they were making a sonic rpg I was exited to get it. But it doesn't meet my expectations. The battles seem sloppy and you miss 60% of the time and the enemy does more damage to you then you do to it. Because of this you get knoked out a lot. And even though it's a sonic game I have to say you run to fast. You always go to fast and you can't see where your going. The storyline is pretty drawn out and boring, also the fact that it's full stylus control doesn't help. It would be a lot easier if it just used buttons. That said sonic chronichles is a pretty traditional turn based rpg, it's not final fantasy, but it's alright. I wouldn't get this game though unless you are a die hard sonic fan. One last thing using special skills is a little hard because you use the touch screen and if you mess up the move sucks.