It may not be the best rpg but sonic chronicles is sure a good time

User Rating: 8.5 | Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood DS
I have to admit i was skeptical at first when i heard of sonic chronicles. I wasnt actually sure if the idea of a sonic rpg would work. Leave it to Bioware to prove me wrong. Sonic chronicles is a very addictive on fun rpg. Bioware (being well....bioware) created a very interesting story. Knuckles is kidnapped and sonic is called to find him. Now of course this isnt the whole story (and it becomes quite a interesting tale) but saying more might possibly spoil things. Also bioware included there signature choose what you say mechanics. Its a nice addition but it doesnt affect the story ( though it does create a few extra cutscenes)

On to the combat system. Sonic chronicles is like most traditional rpgs except with a added twist. Whenever u do a specail move u have to time stylus taps in order to execute a move correctly. this may sound like a mere addition but it is highly addictive. The only downside is fights can be quite long.

Another great thing about this game is u can custumize all u want or do nothing to your caharacters at all. every time u level u are awarded points for ur atributes and u can choose for the computer to automatically set them or u can do it manually and creat a whole different type of character for example the computer puts sonic stats into speed and power but u might to make him really strong so u can give him all power (u can not do this with ur skills though)

All in all sonic chronicles is a great first rpg for sonic. If ur a sonic fan this is a must buy. Heck if ur rpg fan check this out.