A Sonic fighting game, and it's better then the last one Sonic Championship! A Great game for fighting an

User Rating: 9.3 | Sonic Battle GBA
Well when I got this game, I thought it was not be too impressive, but I was wrong. It had an awesome storyline and the game play was an awesome combination of Sonic gameplay and Fighting. Plus with Emerl, you have the ability to customize your own fighter with any moves you choose as you earn them. Plus this game I feel also really showed the character's personallity, Sonic's, Tails', Cream's, Amy's and such.

I am very impressed by the gameplay of this whole thing, a perfect combination Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay and fighting games, plus it allows you to use new moves of your favorite characters as well, especially Shadow, he's used MUCH better in this game then he is in "Shadow the Hedgehog". I give the game play a perfect score.

I hate graphics as too many people judge a game on it. But still it's pretty good, 3D battle zones and such combined with scenery, it's very impressive.

The music is better to me then it is in the Sonic Advance games so I give it credit for that, I like the theme to Amy's Room for some reason. The voices are perfect in this game, to me even though it was short clips, it was really well done, Knuckles I say was the biggest surprise, Scott Drier usually made him more relax, but he was REALLY tough in this game. William Corkery also sounded better as Tails as well then he did in Sonic Heroes. Cream's I say was a great improvement, she really sounded like a little girl. Sonic's was my favorite, so enegetic and really showing he is ready for battle, then again I look up to Ryan Drummond in my dream of wanting to be a voice actor XP. Every time I play this game, I get more angry with 4Kids for ruining Sonic Rush's voices (which is why I own that game in Japanese).

I would say this is a is a pretty perfect Sonic game, it maintains the speed and familiar Sonic game play with many new things to add to it. This game is WAY better then it's predicessor Sonic Championship (Sonic the Fighters). I Highly recommend this game to any Sonic fan and to anyone who likes fighting games as well.