Fast paced 3d gaming that will give you a generally good time.

User Rating: 8.5 | Sonic Adventure International DC
When you pick up this game, you will invariably enjoy yourself whether you're a Sonic fan or not. It doesn't hit sweetspots all across the board, but most of the time it won't disappoint. Most games try to come up with a revolutionary combat system or a tear turnning storyline. This game doesn't do any of that. It just gives you the fun. Straight up, simple, no strings attached fun.

The game is great in some areas and decent in others. That said, there are going to be some mixed reactions to anyone who plays it. The tide of whether the game is good or not is usually for the better though. The gameplay is so simple that even the youngest players could pick it up and understand exactly what to do. However, no matter how simple, you're always enjoying yourself. There are some sections that all players will find very irritating. Amy and Big in particular aren't nearly as fun as the other characters. The bosses are way too easy, and sometimes you will need to run all over the place for no reason that will provide the player with entertainment. Some problems with the camera come up rarely. The camera is almost completely automatic, but every now and then you will want to move the camera manually. This manual movement is extremely slow, and usually doesn't work anyway. Sometimes the camera will get stuck in ways it shouldn't and it won't move with you as usual. The camera is a problem every now and then, but it doesn't get in the way of gameplay often enough to actually cause anger.

As far as the gameplay itself goes, there isn't much to say. You can play as 1 of 6 characters, all unique with different types of missions. They will all require that you go through levels doing whatever that character's task might be, different for each character. You can collect rings along the way, fight enemies, find secrets, so on and so forth. Most of the time you'll find yourself flying through large, beautiful stages at high speed, dodging obstacles and collecting rings classic Sonic style. Simple as it sounds, few can deny they're enjoying themselves while moving at impossible speed and mowing down foes without a great deal of effort. Occasionally you fight a boss, which are way to slow and easy to even midly enjoy yourself while fighting. They don't last long though ( since they're so easy ) and you'll soon find yourself running again.

The game's features while playing are great. The music is fast metal/techno that actually makes the player have even more fun, just listening to guitar riffs alone. I wish I could say the same about the voice-overs. Most of the voices are irritating, and the character's faces move like they have woodland animals inside them trying to escape. The stories are unskippable, so you need to take the pain no matter what. The graphics didn't take the same curse as the voice-overs ( THANK GOD) and are actually quite detailed. The general coloring of the characters and environments is fun loving ( if that makes any sense) and you will never find a location where they skimped out on shading in or making look as good as possible.

Unfortunately, the game is only about 10 hours long. A real shame seeing as the game is so enjoyable all around. The learning curve is about 2 seconds. You will figure out the mechanics and goal of the game the moment you pick up the controller. Every now and then you won't know where to go or what to do, but rarely. Since the game is so short and sweet, it has relatively good replay value. You won't be able to do anything different the second time around, but it's still fun no matter how many times you beat it. In the long run, the game itself is great. If only it were longer. Sure, you can go through the bonus missions for each level, but it just isn' the same as going through new levels. For this reason, the game in it's entirety is a different story. Because of the length alone, I wouldn't buy it for full price. Definitely a great game to rent though. 8.8 out of 10