Yes the blue blur is back. Bringing with him terrible voice acting, new playable characters, and a nice chao graden.

User Rating: 7 | Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Reprint) GC
Okay. So he is back to save the world huh? This is a nice game except the game itself. You will probably only get ten hours of total gameplay. The only enjoyable part in the storyline is the final story which is quite challenging. TheChao Garden is great though. If you just want to free roam around as you favorite character and take care of Chao then this is the place for you. By getting certain chao you can unlock up to three optional places which is great for more freeroam. The mission mode is cool and challenging, but in it you can earn money, get new clothes for multiplayer mode, and earn stuff for your chao. Now for the multiplayer mode. This mode is a blast to play with your friend. Then you can either footrace, treasure hunt, battle in giant machines, or race in cars, each coming with 4 different characters to chose from. Overall this game is rocommended for those who are a Sonic fan, as the multiplayer and the chao garden make up for way more than the story mode puts down.