The best RPG on the DS? Maybe so...

User Rating: 10 | Soma Bringer DS
I'm going to cut to the chase here; Soma Bringer is amazing. One of the best graphicly impressive (albeit, for the DS) games the World has ever seen. It doesn't bloody matter that the game's in Japanese, its easy enough to understand anyway since all the freakin' missions are so obvious it doesn't really matter what language it's in. Now while this seems a negative point, it's not. At all. Infact, it's quite the opposite.

You see, every mission MAY be obvious in terms of what you have to do, since there's no real puzzle involved, but by gawd it doesn't make the game any less astonishing. I mean, you don't know what's going to happen on the way to said mission, or anything! And speaking of the missions, each one is perfectly weilded together with a storyline which, while hard to understand, could be easily looked up just incase you don't know why the hell you're going to fight some giant penguin. Oops, a spoiler. Who bloody cares, its early on in the game.

Gameplay is just right. Not complicated, considering you set all your moves to the ABYX slots anyway. Oh look, I made a word. Abyx. So theres not much else to say about the gameplay. Its good.

In short, buy the game. Infact, import it from YesAsia or wherever the hell you want right now. Do it.