This game game is a little old now, it is fun and challenging as today's recent games - and has its signs of greatness

User Rating: 8.7 | Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix PC
Even though that this game is more than 4 yrs old, I think it deserve being played, especially by owners of "old" machines.
The games runs very well on those machines, and of course even better on todays monsters.

As a sequel, it is way better graphically from the first game, and the plot is a little cheesy , but built well, and in the way it is presented, the dialogs are good, as well as the voice acting.

The beginning of the game, to my opinion, is a bit boring, too much thrown at you to showcase the game, including a stealth mission which is stupidly simple.

The real action begins once you leave yhe Czech Rep. and going to Colombia. From here onwards, the real action begins and you will be seeing a lot of action, and get to use many weapons.
You will have intense firefights, and will be impressed from the enemy AI, as it runs for cover and shooting from there,and it does not save grenades, so you gotta be careful.
The enemy AI is not always that impressive for its time. Sometimes, when you shoot a foe and he has a minimal injury, he acts like nothing has happened.

Graphics wise, as i said , it is very good and runs well on the hi definitions on old cards (I have 5200).
Too bad there are graphic glitches here and there (the most obvious are the shadows - they float in mid air when someone is above ground level, as well as there is the "floating corpses" phenomenon).

What i like in this game is that the missions are varied - you get to fight alone, with a squad in the jungle (they never seem to die unless you shoot them ...) , handle some stealth missions (Which I personally dislike, but in this game its OK if you handle them with all guns blazing ) you defend your truck in a truck chase, and shooting your way around from a chopper - and the game holds a few more surprises, considering its age, that is very impressive.

The weapons feel real , but the most usable weapon is the M16 with the grenade launcher, and the machine gun, which doesn't seem to be as effective as I expected (considering it's a 7.62mm weapon - bullets that were created to kill, whereas the 5.56mm bullets were designed to injure).

This game is hard. I played it on the "Gun for hire" difficulty level, (one above amateur), and i had to use the save system too many times.
Even so, the game is still very fun to handle.

The sound is the only thing in this game that is really lacking. The firearms sound is correct, but the music is almost nonexistent, most of the time ambient music that repeat itself throughout the stage. Voice acting, on the other hand, is pretty good as mentioned above.

All in all, this game is very fun to play, very enjoyable, and a huge leap forward from the first game in the series. Worth your time and $, no doubt.