Play this game, but on the PC

User Rating: 4.5 | Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix XBOX
this game is very lame, that's all i really have to say about this but the custom mission is realy fun. Pros: The only pro this game has are the good graphics and the custom missions. The assasination missions are a lot of fun. Cons: This game is all cons. The gameplay stinks along with the controls. The levels are mazes, that are impossible to get through. This game trys to be like Rainbow Six but fails in so many ways that its sad. There is xbox live, but thats just as boring as the single player campaign. Final Thought: The only good thing about this game is that there is a custom mission simulator, with many modes. I think the way you can have the most fun takes a couple of steps 1) load an assasin mission with the highest difficulty 2) put in god mode, all guns, infinate ammo 3) run crazy shooting everybody. Other than that there isnt a need to play this game. The single player is all mazes and the robotic controls make the xbox live not that mcuh fun.