I like this game alot!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 6 | SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs PS3
I wasn't sure if i will buy this game after watching the trailer from E3 2010 and also the stage demo. When i get it, i couldn't wait to play everyday for at least 4 hours and through the night on the custom missions on saturdays.
However, for multi-player, there is a lag and players are just running and shooting without any tactics, which makes me stop play multi-player totally.

For AIs, giving command to them to provide cover fire etc, is a horrible experience. Especially when playing custom games, S.A.W gunner does not fire back when enemies are shooting and most of the time AIs spoil the tactical plan and have to replay the custom game again and again.

I have collected almost all the weapons and have also played through some of the customer missions, this game is the best shooting game i have ever play, however the AIs, sometimes do not listen to command and start running on their own when player did not specific them to take cover or covere their fire sector. Hopefully the next series will be fine tune where AI will respnd to player's command.

As for the graphics and sound effect, i like it alot as i am playing tis game on my 42" 3D television and its great experience.