Don't underestimate rarely known games, some rival the big guns!

User Rating: 9 | Snobow Kids N64
1080, SSX, the two big guns, 1080 is brilliant (better than this game slightly) and SSX is not good. This game looks cheap and pretty poor at a glance but dwell deeper and its one of the best rscers of all time. While being the only snowboarder for the younger generation it still features many difficult tricks and it's music is very catchy, rivaling mario kart. Infact this game is the Mario Kart of Snowboarders, catchy, addictive and most importantly it's just plain fun.

Those who want a realistic experiance should turn to 1080 and avoid this, but those who want simple fun come this way. Atlus has done a great job with this game seeming to understand that Mario Kart 64 was very poor indeed, Atlus decided to make a better game (not difficult) and accomplished that with great success!

Unfortunately the game didn't do that well, but did well enough for Atlus to go on making some more in the series, I may purchase one of them if it's cheap enough for a look. The game itself is very addictive and so much fun but to be honnest that fun is fairly short lived as the game is too short for long term enjoyment.

Those just new to the 64 should but the following to ease you into the console;- This Game, Super Mario 64, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Stadium and Starfox 64. After a while F Zero X and Super Star Soccer 98 are both highly recogmended!