Oldskool, Party Game and one of the best n64 games ever.

User Rating: 9.1 | Snobow Kids N64
This is one of the first game i've played on the Nintendo 64. First of all it's very addictive, fun party game to play with you're friends and nice gameplay.
The graphics of the game are really well made. Also it's very fun that every character has unique tricks, so it's great to change now and then with you're character.. Also there is an unlockable character and 3 unlockable levels wich are worth unlocking. Tough the second chapter was kinda floppy, this one still kicks ass. This still is one of the greatest n64 games if you ask me. Also if you complete the story mode, you will see an fun movie wich includes the characters of snowboard kids. Even the music while cruising trough the levels aren't that bad, as a mather a fact, for a game with this age, the music still isn't old for this age. besides story mode and multiplayer there is much other stuff to play. and in story mode you can costumize your board