One Of The Best Games On N64

User Rating: 6 | Snobow Kids N64
I've probably been a little harsh with my score as I haven't played the game since I was about eight, but I do remember it being one of my favourite childhood video games. It's not a particularly obvious choice as either an N64 or a snowboarding game, but excels in both categories. It can probably be classified as more of a 'party' game than a snowboarding game, but is highly enjoyable either way.
I recall one of my favourite mini game (in any game) is the shooting snowman game (one of the only times I ever had to use the Z trigger), which was easily completed but enjoyable all the same.
There are plenty of unlockables and plenty to explore, so a memory card is reccomended (which I did not have and was the evident reson for me getting rid of the game)
I would say that it ranks very highly as an N64 game, and can still be enjoyed today, even after the great advancements in technology etc for just being a purely fun game.