For fans of Rainbow Six!

User Rating: 8.5 | Sniper: Ghost Warrior PS3
I'm a big fan of the Rainbow Six franchise and had been waiting for a tactical shooter game that lived up to the stealth and sniping experience you get with RS, and this is it!

In this game you must carefully plan your approach to achieve the mission you are given, so fans of the run-n-gun may not enjoy the slow pace of this game. You spend most of your time either in the crouched or prone position, scanning the area through your scope and carefully making your way to the target, taking out tangos as you go. The environment is rich and beautiful with detail and the levels are cleverly designed. You'll enjoy sniping your way through ancient ruins, islands and fortified compounds just to name a few.

The controls are easy to master, although you are given grenades and a pistol for tight spaces, I rarely used them. There are also a few situations where you get to use C4 and grappling hooks, nothing too difficult. Once you spot your target you can slow down time for the kill much like Dead Space; there is nothing more satisfying that the bullet time head shot, except for the double head shot! AI is fairly intelligent, one wrong move and you're toast; you have to move with caution and plan ahead as stated before. As you progress through the story mode the situations and level of difficulty slightly increase.

The reason this didn't get a 9.0 - you are fairly limited in where you can explore and when you leave the intended area a VERY annoying voice yells at you saying, 'Get back to your area!' with an alarm and screen flashing accompanied by a count down from 5 before you're restarted at the last checkpoint. The problem with this is that it can cause you to give up your position as you scurry back to the intended area. Also, when you look through the scope the heavy breathing sounds get a little annoying after a while, I was able to tune this out so not that big a deal.

Overall this is a great game and I hope the squeal lives up to the standards set by the first game while improving on some of the nuances. Enjoy!