Feels like I've played this type of game to death already. Does nothing new & lacks polish even for a budget title.

User Rating: 5 | Sniper: Ghost Warrior PC
Don't be fooled by the title of this game. It's just a FPS with emphasis on sniping. It's also a messy affair & though it is reasonably priced I'd say put that coin toward a better game.

SGW just doesn't get the basics right(update applied to). There seems to be an issue with the vsync. I can't force it through nvidia control panel so straight away you will notice some screen tear unless it's a problem my end. Shame to, because the visuals are the games strong point. I also had some resolution problems that have not been fixed with the small update they released. Overall though performance is decent, with no crashes.

The gameplay itself is just a mash together of all your favourite fps games just done in a half arsed way. Some of the weapons available sound really weak & rubbish in particular the assault rifle you get early on. Also when an enemy fires at you, there's no muzzle flash or tracers coming toward you like there is in every fps ever made. This makes the game really tough even though there are damage arrow indicators. You just can't see who's firing at you.

Combat is clunky to. You have to hold down RMB to zoom in as there is no toggle. Because it's critical to use iron sights or sniper mode a lot, this becomes an annoyance. Surely it would have been simple to provide a toggled zoom. Enemies will always die from one shot also. Shoot a guy in the foot with your sniper & watch him die from it & spurt blood from his chest.

AI is either too poor or too good. In close combat the enemy act like retards yet their sniper teams have got hawk eye & then some. Next update hopefully will address this because it makes the game tough. A saving grace is that you can save anywhere unlike a lot of consolified games that love the checkpoint system.

Voice acting & sound are about what you'd expect from a budget game. No hollywood stars here. The overall ambience of the game is quite good like waterfalls, footsteps & jungle sounds but these can't save this title from mediocrity. Story is laughable to. Well, the bit I paid attention to early on was anyway.

There are probably a few other quibbles I forgot to mention here but I don't want to blab on too much. Am I being too harsh? It's not being sold as a major release so why expect more? Maybe a few more updates can refine it a little but until then this game just feels like playing a very poor mans Crysis/Far Cry/Modern warfare/BFBC2.

*Just to add. Raising the Hz in the graphics options reduced screen tearing.