Vote Yes for Skitchin as a common means of transportation.

User Rating: 10 | Skitchin' GEN
AWWWWWWWW **** lol.
How could I not curse for this review? I'm reviewing what some people would consider, especially when this game was released, a controversial title. It's Skitchin!!! Whats Skitchin exactly? Well I'll get to that later. This wonderful, beautiful, unique title I'm reviewing is Skitchin. It's the unsung hero. It's the game you haven't heard about or played. It's definely in the top ranks for a desperately needed remake (sequel). But I'm thankful for just plain ol 16 bit Skitchin. Trying to imagine a 128 bit version of Skitchin your brain might explode. Take two parts Road Rash and replace the motorcycles with skates, one part arcade racer, and one part of it's own style and you have Skitchin.

Once again I would not know about this title either unless somebody had mentioned it to me. When the mechanics were being explained to me I was dumbfounded. That can't be right I said. Theres a game like that? And it actually exists?! Oh yes it exists. From the same stuffy shirt company that brings you your Madden 109 during the fall. You read what I wrote earlier about it being one parts this and that. Thats about as good an explanation as you can get. It's a skaters racing game where you can pull off tricks during the race. What adds to the originality is the fact that your racing on streets with cars driving along as cars normally do. What makes it even more original is that you can "latch on" to the cars bumper and "Skitch" you way to victory. What makes it even more more original is that you can use your Skitch mode to slingshot you off the car and propel you forward to where you can Skitch from car to car. It's all highly original and theres nothing out there like it. Though I have seen pictures from Aggressive Inline where you can "Skitch" but not sure how it works in that game. Theres also segments in between races where you can buy upgrades to your skates like in Road Rash. This title really needs a Next Gen release. I don't think its even on VC. I would literally buy an old Genesis just to play Skitchin. It's that good.