This RPG deserves the title of Legend

User Rating: 10 | Skies of Arcadia Legends GC
One of the best traditional RPGs you could get(good luck finding it though)..While,it might feel aged to this age and time,it is by absolutely no means unplayable.
The story here is quite simple with it's fair amount of cliches and the graphic might feel old,especially to gamers used to Current-Gen graphics...But let that get to you and you'll miss something...Grandiose..
First,go past all this and you'll discover a game in which you can see the heart and efforts of the Dev.Team.
This game gives off a great atmosphere of freedom with one being able to sail the skies with decreasing obstacles,while hunting bounties,fishes or discoveries.It really contributes to a feeling of being a pirate!
You can also customize your ship,your crew and even your eventual pirate base!100% completion is quite the challenge.
Then you get Ship battles...Yes;there are the fights on foot(traditional turn-based) and the innovative turn-based ship battles where you get to attack other ships or ''sea'' monsters,among other things...
Well,my only actual problem with that masterpiece of a game is how easy it can get,especially late-game.
In short,this game has something most other games lack;A heart

+A gigantic world,with tons of explorations to do
+Plenty of sidequests and customization
+Ship battles are a very interesting addition
+Good and somewhat refreshing,cast of characters
+Good length;not too short,but not too long
+Good soundtrack

-No ''New Game Plus'' feature
-The story is a bit on the cliché side
-The graphics,while not terrible,may feel aged.
-The soundtrack sounds better on Dreamcast
-The combat is fairly easy,especially on higher levels.
-Magic is rendered useless because of items.