If your big into the tycoon games you might like it.

User Rating: 4.2 | Ski Resort Extreme PC
The main goal is simple, to build and manage a successful ski resort. There are a different gameplay modes to choose from, but the main premise is the same regardless of which one you pick. You decide whether you want to build your mountain resort from scratch, or use a ready-made template to get you started. There's also a basic tutorial to get you acclimated to the interface, but anyone who's played this style of game should have no trouble jumping right in.

The graphics are actually pretty good.If you look closely, buildings and people are surprisingly detailed and well-animated. Wisps of smoke billow out of chimneys in the cottages, and guests merrily drift down the slopes before heading back to the lifts or hitting the nearest eatery.Unfortunately, you probably won't see your resort up-close very often since it's easier to manage from higher up.

The sound in the game is fair. A handful of audio tracks that play randomly in the background. Sound effects are limited to the clunks heard when placing a building on the map, or cheesy voice-overs from whiny patrons.

It's the gameplay that's important after all.
To bad this game lacks in this department.