The new tiltle for skate boarding games is EA. Not Tony Hawk.

User Rating: 9.5 | Skate X360
EA officially has the best skateboarding games. In Skate you start out by getting hit by a bus, having surgery, and then creating your character. You control from what he looks like, to if he rides goofy or regular, to if his wheels are harder or softer! It is VERY detailed. You then start out at the bottom of the skateboarding world. Working your way up. Getting sponsored by skate shops, becoming an AM, then becoming a pro, then a skateboarding icon. You shoot video parts, photos, you enter contests, and a lot more. The only problems are that you cannot get off of your skateboard, so sometimes its hard to get to the top of a stair set, or whatever you're doing. Also, sometimes the missions are nearly impossible. You may sometimes spend up to 30 minutes on 1 mission. Also, a lot of people say the game has nearly no end. If you get hooked on the game, at the most it will take you 1 or 2 weeks to beat the game. What i'm saying is that i wish the game was a little longer. Any way, the game features people that have never been in Tony Hawk games. Such as Alex Chalmers, PJ Ladd, Ryan Gallant, Danny Way, Pat Duffy, Terry Kennedy, and a few more. The only person that has been in 1 Tony Hawk game is Paul Rodriguez . But you really can't have a skateboarding game without
P-Rod! Anyway, I gave Ea Skate a 9.0. It is a great game for anyone that has gotten bored with Tony Hawk.
*Side Note: Any parent who saw the Blood and Gore factor on the back and turned their child away from this game needs to read this. The blood and gore is only in the opening video. A construction man played by Dennis Busenitz, comes in with a severed arm, and asks the person at the front desk if he can take a look at it, while smiling. So there is no impression he is in horrible pain. Of course, there is some blood where his arm used to be. Also, when your character is having surgery, some blood gets on the doctors jacket. And when your character is about to get hit by the bus in the beginning, right before it happens, it cuts to black, you hear a bus roar, and the filmer saying "Oh my god. Hey, somebody call an ambulance! Who is this kid? Does any body know???"