Use the TMD to tell the developers to try harder!

User Rating: 8.5 | Singularity X360
Story: 8.75 - Something different this go around, shifting through time rifts to 1955 and altering the course of history provides a unique story not attempted for awhile.

Gameplay: 8 - Using the Unreal engine is getting dated, but used well enough that unfamilier players can handle with ease. Being able to age and evert items and enemies proves to be enjoyable but repetitive and linear.

Graphics: 7 - Graphics are far behind for a game this new, no cheap theatrical uses of light to make a dark atmosphere will prove any different.

Sound: 9 - Sound is surprising used well to the mood of the game. Sounds make the game its true evil lurky self, when tuning it out and hearing the disgusting sounds of the mutated, or picking up to ensure a worried response.

Overall: 8.5 - I would have rather rented the game and kept it a week, otherwise wait until it for a $30 mark for some easy gamerscore.