Fun, enjoyable um but take brakes, drink water and download more songs.

User Rating: 8 | SingStar (w/Microphones) PS3
This game is completely enjoyable and really great for partys or just playing with the family. Unlike Rock Band this game has tougher learning curve, even on easy your not gonna get get a solid 10,000 ever. The songs are challenging yet fun, some seem to not fit in with the rest but all in all the songs will keep you entertained for as long as you can sing. If there is one this that I recommend its that you spend the extra money and download some of the over 600 songs in the PSN store. Another minor recommendation is that you take brakes throughout playing otherwise you'll be singing Scissor sisters with your voice cracking the whole time. Also have a glass of water near by your throat will occasionally get dry. Still this game is fun and the videos playing in the background make the game fun even for those waiting for their turn. The new add on voice controls makes the game even easier to play since you don't need a controller just say the song you want to play and it'll start. This game is good for those that couldn't master the guitar or drums on Rock Band, or Guitar Hero World Tour.