Don't judge a book by its cover, or a game.

User Rating: 6.5 | SimCity Societies PC
I love the Sims and Simcity and i am a hardcore fan. This game IS NOT simcity. Yeah, read the title i don't care. It says "Simcity Societies". NO! Mark out Simcity from the title. The title is now Societies. That's what the title should be. The graphics are fine and you can zoom in pretty close, but the problem is, you can't zoom out far. You can if you go to the ptions menu, but you still can't zoom out to view all of the city. As for city building this game is unique. Tilted Mill punch Simcity's great gameplay in the face and made new gameplay, OK gameplay, but not as good as Simcity. In the game Societies (as i know call it) you have "Social Energies". But these seem to be very, very random. Why the heck does apartments produce prosperity, i don't know! and why the crap does a park have creatity? I don't know! Why does a butcher shop do this etc. I DON'T KN0W! Without the patch, the game can really be buggy and the game could crash. With the patch it does fine. (On my computer that is, i've heard some people's game still crash even with the handy patch). fooling around with all the tools and stuff in this game is fun and some buildings even have special abilities! But it is NOT simcity. It is only and will always only be: just Societies.
