The Simcity franchise delivers yet again. It has it's problems but overall, it can't get any more addictive than this

User Rating: 8.4 | SimCity 4 PC
Simcity 4 is a great game. Probably the best in the Simcity series. However, sometimes this game can be your worst enemy. It's not allways kind to the user and there are quite a few bugs which can be frustrating. In other words, it's not as polished as it could of been. Even with the addiiton of Rush Hour. Overall though, the positives far outshine the negatives and the end result is a interesting, educational stragegy game for everybody. One of the best things is the improvement of graphics in this game. It's even more entertaining to zoom in and see your city from every little detail. Sound and Design are also improved and the humour is still there. ~Gameplay~
9/10 - Watch time literally fly by as you control every detail of your virtual metropolis

8/10 - Definetely an improvement over previous versions of Simcity. There are bugs that can ruin it though, sadly i have been the victim of these bugs which need fixing in the next game. ~Sound~
8/10 - Like, graphics, it has improved. But i don't think the improvement is as notable. ~Value~
9/10 - This is highly addictive, it's one of those games that never gets old, you'll have fun playing it more than 3 years later like i am. Head over to to find new scenery and new buildings. Anything you want to keep the game fresh. ~Overall~
8.5 (Great)