Decent until near the end, where a bug destroyed the whole game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Silver DC
Silver has rather decent graphics, story, and characters. It's a console-style RPG that has decent gameplay. Silver has a very typical RPGesque story. Silver is a wicked sorcerer-emperor who oversees the world of Jarrah with an iron fist and a hard heart. One day, Silver orders that all the fair maidens of the land be brought before him so that he can select a new bride. His minions then round up Jarrah's female population for Silver's enjoyment; needless to say, the male half isn't pleased. You control David, a knight whose wife Jennifer was among the captured. David strikes out, full of piss & vinegar, to stop Silver and retrieve the women. On his journey, David learns that Silver is trying to strike a deal with the evil god Apocalypse, and thus his quest gains even greater import. David also learns that only the combined power of eight magical orbs, which have been lost for years, can defeat Silver, and thereafter most of the game is devoted to obtaining these orbs. The graphical presentation in Silver is crisp. Characters don't show much detail, they're usually seen from such great distance that detail isn't necessary. The static camera angles used in some backgrounds are poorly chosen because of their distance from the action; it's not uncommon for Silver to force David into a battle when he's only a few pixels tall as seen by the player. Speaking of battle, Silver conducts combat much like a typical Zelda title. All the fighting happens in real-time on the standard background screens. David is joined in battle by up to two companions, starting with his grandfather and ranging from the slingshot-wielding rebel girl Sekune to Jug, the standard barbarian type. The AI that controls the other party members works periodically, but it is largely a failure, as David's friends are never eager to avoid attacks or to attack enemies themselves. Fortunately, control can be passed at will from David to either of his compatriots, although all the characters are nearly identical in actual combat. A variety of fighting moves are provided, such as jabs, swipes, and backhand chops, but frankly the best strategy is simply to point in the direction of the enemy and hit the attack button as fast as possible. Weapons, magic, and healing items are all controlled from the "pie menu," a circular arrangement that otherwise behaves like any standard RPG menu. A world map is the last notable feature found on the pie menu, and it allows the player to instantly transport back to any location previously visited. As a game, Silver is well-intentioned but flawed. It draws on a variety of console role-playing's staple elements, but never to truly great effect. The story is bland. The graphics are decent, but certainly not earth-shattering. Combat situations usually degenerate into a frenzy of button mashing, and they're often obscured by camera problems. Music, often a high point in RPGs, is mostly average and rarely above average. Nothing about Silver is unbearably horrid, but it never clicks like really classic games do. If you're hard up for RPGs and adventure games, playing Silver wouldn't be the worst thing you've ever done, but it wouldn't really be the best either.