Excellent game. I bought the UK version 1 year before US release. Improves upon the original game in the series.

User Rating: 9.3 | Silent Storm: Sentinels (French) PC
Silent Storm Gold includes both the initial; game, Silent Storm as well as the add-on game Silent Storm Sentinels. Sentinels is basically a stand-alone game. It involves a single campaign which is post WWII> The original game takes place in 1943 and beyond. It can be played from eithe rthe Allied or Axis side.

The fully destructible environments are great as you can blow up, throw grenades, or shoot walls, stone fences, flooring etc. for easier access to buildings and sites.

Soime reviewers were turned off by the Panzerkleins which are basically mechanized armor and weapons "walkers" for 1 soldier. I think it adds a bit of variety to the endgame, especially with all the seemingly "fantastic" weapons being developed on both sides at the end of the war.

A must- have for any turn based X-Com or Jagged Alliance afficianado.