this game changed the mood and atmosphere for gaming in general.

User Rating: 8 | Silent Hill PS
this game really deserves a 8.3 but it doesnt have that option so i give it an 8... it had wonderful atmosphere and mood, alot created by the music, and the games story.. was untouchable for its time.
this series is one of the best series in gaming.. and everyone of the silent hills have been fantastic... and will continue to be so... Akira (the composer) and story writer and producer of the series.... is a genius..

this game really makes you think. not just about the game, but about life in general. at least it did for me.
if you were open to it, it would have you as well.
my only complaint is there is no pc version of the first silent hill, cause i am collecting them all on pc.. but the first silent hill is the only one with no pc version :(((( honestly resident evil couldnt begin to hold a candle to this horror game... especially when it came to the mood and the music, and the way that everything just drew you into it.. Akira, you are the man and just keep doing what your doing, and i cant wait to play silent hill 5. on my pc.. :)))