The fifth entry in the series, and the first for PS3.

User Rating: 7 | Silent Hill: Homecoming PS3
I've played the first four Silent Hill games, and was told to play this one next.
But, for some reason, it didn't feel like a Silent Hill game to me. The plot is
simple enough. It revolves around a US solider named Alex Shepard, who's recurring nightmares lead him to believe his brother, Josh is in trouble. Upon
arriving in his home town of Shepards Glen, you can immediantly tell something's up. But Alex doesn't for some reason, and soon learns his brother, and his father are missing, along with nearly the entire town. That's the basic story. Now here's my thoughts. Nearly the entire game takes place in Shepard's Glen, and when you do get to Silent Hill, you don't really get to do much exploration. (I didn't mind this in 4 because I liked the story) Also,
the twist is predictible, and I was able to figure it after a certain point. I also noticed a Pyramid Head look-a-like, who's role could have been taken over by an original monster created just for the game. Also, the cult from 1 & 3 returns. Which I thought was unnessicary, as they wrapped that up nicely at the end of 3. But... (Spoiler Alert)
When I first played I got the Bogeyman ending, and was truly shocked by it.
So, that made up for some of the game. That ends my review on Homecoming, keep a look out for my reviews on Shattered Memories & Origins.