Lots of polish but lacks depth of the previous versions.

User Rating: 6.5 | Sid Meier's Railroads! PC
Having been one of Sid's game fans and playing every game he worked on in this line as well as his Pirate line. I must say I was happy to hear that they were looking at doing a new version of an old favorite. Having the nice graphics of today seemed to be a dream come true for any age of steam lover such as myself. But I guess having both at one time was a bit much. For it seems they kept the eye candy and dumbed down the game. Its a cute little game that simulates rather nicely one of the Sid Railroad Tycoon titles but thats about as close as it gets. Some nice additions to the game were made at the cost of some of the core elements that made the previous games such a joy to play. Now I know what you are thinking that well micro management and details such as a tender behind a locomotive is a bit much... but for those of us who have been a long standing Sid Railroad fan its a kick in the teeth. The type of gamer that loves this type of game is looking for detail and micro management. Now having and automanage of or partial do it yourself to some of these would be ok but seriously a steam loco without a tender? I felt as though they were cutting corners just to get a flashy look on a cookie cutter sim type with just enough of Sids rails to make the cut. This title is cute but I was left thinking that the game was done without Sid and the use of his name only used to sale copies. As its clear this truely isnt the next generation of Sid Railroad tycoon. I hope they will release another diehard version someday as well as another round of Pirates. Good games never fade away they just keep getting played. Btw reviewing all the games I've bought and played I did buy this game when it came out just finally got around to reviewing it :)