This game is pretty addictive and visual....

User Rating: 9.2 | Sid Meier's Railroads! PC
This wasn't the Railroad Tycoon 4 everyone was expecting, but its a good remake and it stalls enough time to wait for RT4. This game is pure fun, and can keep you hooked for hours, if your into tycoon and civ games. It doesn't take that long to learn either. It plays like every other good tycoon game out there. Plus, now that GameStop has it at $24.99, it has a pretty good value, since RT3 was released way back in 2003. This is definetely better than the original, and you should play it. But, veterans will get frustrated that the game automatically decides on certain industries and other things for you that you controlled in previous versions. If your new to these games, this is a great game. But, if your a vet, you will probably still find enough to satisfy you for hours.