Almost 20 years ago Civilization started the history of Grand Strategy Turn Based Games. A Classic Masterpiece

User Rating: 9.5 | Sid Meier's Civilization PC
Forget about graphics, forget about music or sound effects. Civilization was all about addictive and immersive gameplay. This was the one that started the "Just one more turn syndrome".

Of course its not for all stomachs, as many will fail to find where's the fun. There were no fancy graphics (even for its time, the game looked a bit rude) nothing to shoot at or to blow up. But for any strategy game fan in the early 90s Civ was a revelation. Building your own civilization from scratch, on Earth or alien world maps. The tech tree, the cities, the diplomacy options, the wonders of the world, the trade routs, and off course the armies... Never so much had been seen in the same game. The only flaw was the lack of multiplayer options.

Although unavoidably dated, I love this game for what it was and for the doors it opened.