it totally stinks .... just nuffin . i have done ma world's greatest mistake buyin this game .... just worse then ever

User Rating: 3 | DreamWorks Shrek SuperSlam PS2
its not cool .... its the worst game ov the world .... it just stinks .... i dun think that it even deserves rating worth 7 (GOOD)... i m so much stupid tht i did not watch the revies ov the people n so not the rating ..... damn .... just crap ... its just plain freaked .... plain freaked ...... if u have not bought the game yet .... u r smart ...... but if u have then tell me wat ya think ..... i m sure tht no one will put the rating 10 (perfect) ....... just boring n there's no story either .... they could have atleast made it adventourous ... i am so angry ....
it stinksssssssssssss ........... :@:@:@