Excellent pass-time!

User Rating: 8 | Shopmania PC
In Shopmania you play the character Lewis, who's taken a job at the local super market - named $pendmoore! The whole concept is about time management, color matching and shape/item matching. Lewis' job is filling up customers shopping carts with the right colors, shapes/items, to earn as much money as possible. The cranky boss gives you a goal to reach for every shift.

There are updates to earn, different kinds of customers ... etc. The graphics are kind of "different", they're fun I think.

Oh and I almost forgot - the reason why Lewis took this job in the first place, is to be able to afford medicine for his sick hamster (!). I'm not entirely sure I see the point of that being added to the "storyline", but why not! I found Shopmania to be entertaining! It's a nice way to pass some time, and to work out your coordination.. ;-)