Take one low-budget developer, add History Channel tie-in, and the end result meets its low expectations.

User Rating: 4.5 | Shootout PC
Kuma Games' interpretation of The History Channel's "Shootout!" series in first person shooter format is typical of low budget tie-ins. Although using the revolutionary "Steam" engine first introduced in Half-Life 2, the graphics look more in place ten years ago. Although based on supposedly real events, the fights themselves seem very uninspired, with a very play-by-numbers feel. Cheap deaths are also abound due to confusing level design and poorly thought-out mission structure. The real kicker of the game, however, is that each level has to be individually downloaded, and download times take as long as full installations for most other games. The only saving grace (if you can call it that) is that the game mercifully is completely and totally free. So feel free to experience the horror yourself, at least you won't pay a dime for it.