Great Feudal strat that delivers the goods every time!!! Very well created and developed it is a great game!

User Rating: 8.7 | Shogun: Total War Warlord Edition PC
A great Strat and one of the most original on the PC and for aout 5 Benjamins this is a must buy.
The game is in japan.....Feudal japan in the fore of the Toyotomi period....sound cool!? it is so cool.
Well 1st u pick a clan and youve got ur nobunagas and and ur takedas to choose from 8 different clans.
Then u set about Conquering japan with your samurai,ninja,diplomats and the untouchable geisha.
On the risk-esk map screen you can choose where to expand,attack,form alliances,Train more men,research new tech etc.! you have a lot of choices here and its very fun and satisfying to deck your opponents or perform an assasination with some ninja!
The graphics are a little bit dated but quite nice and you also treated to some traiditional japanese art (no not manga) which looks quite nice.
The sound is of war....Lots of roaring slashing chinking and Blood spurts.
The score is very good with ambient japanese orchestration fitting the mood perfectly.....i mean it could be straight out of a kurosawa flick.
Overall an amazing strat and its only flaw is the fights can get slightly repetitive and more options on the map screen wouldve been nice but apart from those its incredible.