This game could have been good. But the controls are soooooo bad, that it makes everything else seem not so good.

User Rating: 5.7 | Shinobido Imashime PS2
I love the Tenchu series. I've played all the ones on PS1 and PS2, and even liked Fatal Shadows. When I heard Shinobido was made by the original Tenchu creators, I thought it had to be good. It could be like Tenchu 1 and I would still like it. However the controls are so crap and annoying that I just had to stop playing. The controls in any of the Tenchu games are better than this. I've never really been one to complain about controls in videogames (the only other game I've ever complained about bad controls is Tomb Raider:AOD). But this game's controls force me to complain about them. Its even somewhat difficult just to perform a stealth kill. Speaking of stealth kills, the animation for these is jerky and the switch between the little kill animation and game play isn't fluid.

Most other things in the game aren't too bad. The graphics and everything else are good enough and the cut scenes are good. The mission system is different and a nice change from the Tenchu series (even if many of the missions are pretty much the same).

But the bottom line is that the controls ruin any enjoyment that could have been had from what otherwise 'could' have been a good game.