I can taste the herbs.

User Rating: 8.9 | Shining Force NEO PS2
"The herbs really stand out Meryl."

He said herbs. With the "H" sound. Isn't it supposed to be silent? One of the many quirks in this game.

"Shining Force" being the very first role playing game, I was stoked to see this release come into the mix. I was suprised that they went away with the strategy elements of the original game but I gave it a go.

The characters aren't up to par with the original Shining Force character designs but they're good nonetheless. The voice acting is horribly funny (HERBS). The battle cries get annoying to the point where you start yelling them out in unison with the onscreen characters. The battles can get really intense. I was in for a surprise once I left the first town. The level up mechanics are really good. Everything is so customizable. I found myself just smacking up monsters for a couple hours straight just to pimp out Max's stats.

Overall, it's a good game. Some of the hardcore fans like myself won't like it. Some will. I'm part of that lot.

Be a Force. Give this game a try.