a character named chicititta is enough to let you go BOOOOO!!

User Rating: 3 | Shining Force NEO PS2
this game seems so good, but its just bad.there are rpgs that are average or worst but are fun to play. this one is one of those but without the fun part. the story seems good there are some misteries that keep you from smashing the cd on your head, but before you uncover some of them, you will end up with a smashed cd in your head.at first youll enjoy the fighting style and the action but there comes a point where it gets irritatingly demanding, and you have to put in lots of effort on a game thats just not worth it.the only things i liked in this game were the conversations which are poorly done but turn out funny.other than that im sorry to say that its not worth spending money on a game like this.if you have time and patience though, lots and lots and lots of patience, and of course money, then maybe you should give it a try!!