You won't find a game like this anywhere else!

User Rating: 9 | Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne PS2
Shin Megami Tensei, a rpg franchise that's incredilbly popular in Japan for it's dark occult-like atmosphere is now coming to the U.S for the first time on ps2, and it lives up to it's reputation superbly. You play the game as a high school student who decides to go visit his teacher in the hospital with his friends. As you get to the hospital a disasterous event occurs, leaving the city in ruins and you a half-demon.

The most noticible feature in this game would have to be the ability to talk to and recruit your enimes who also happen to be demons. there are many different ways to go about this from simply answering a question or giving them an item. the combat in the game is pretty standard jrpg, you take turns attacking the enemy until they're either dead or recrutied.

The main character has the ability to learn new techniques with help of a small insect-like creature called a magatama. You just simply equip the type of magatama you want and level up until you learn all of it's spells. Collect enough of them and you unlock a secret...

In my personal opinon, the absolute best feature in this game is it's awesome soundtrack. There are a variety of different types of songs ranging from rock, techno, and traditional japanese. Another thing I should mention is that the U.S. version of the game is actually a director's cut which includes an extra dungeon, characters, and even a new ending.

Overall this is a game that will definitly give you your money's worth, due to it's excellent presentation, gameplay, sound, and absolutely unique atmostphere. You won't find a game like this anywhere else!