Nocturne or Lucifers Call is close to become better then Final Fantasy.

User Rating: 9.3 | Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne PS2
Over here in Eroupe, the game is called Lucifers Call, just so you know it. This game is reviewed by me from Eruope. Over here, this is the first Shin Megami Tensei game ever. But let´s get to the game. You are playing as a young nameless mute character. You first have to name him. First name, and then last name. Like Steven Jensen, just like my real name. Then give him a nickname, like Ripper. Unlike other RPG games, this takes place in our world, in Tokyo. You are going to the local hospital to vistet at friend of yours. On your way you hear a lot about a recent riot, where several where killed. You meet a reporter, who investagtes the riot. After a brief talk with him, you move on to the hospital. By the time you get in there, you find out somethings wrong. The whole place is deserted. Besides from 2 of your friends there, you are all alone. After sometime you investagte the basement. There you find blood on the floor, which you follows. You meet a man, who dosen´t like your prescense, and attacks you with a demon. You are saved by a lady named Yoko, which tells you a terrible thing, on the roof of the hospital. A new world is about to be born, but before that, our world has to be destroyed. Before you think that you now are send out to save the world, forget it, cause the world does get destroyed. No saving the world this time. Insted, you lose your humantily, and become a demon. Now you are sent in the new world, trying to figure what has happened. Sounds confusing? Well that´s what makes this game great. The gameplay is very much a la Final Fantasy. You explore places, and go into random battles (doh!). You start with only you on your party, but you meet a fariy, who decides to help. She is the only party member you meet. If you want to get other members, you have to recurit them. In battle, you can choose to talk to them. Some refuse to join you, while will beg for their life. When you talk to them, they might want a special item, or money. They can also ask you a question, their will to join you, depends on how your answer is. Even if you do what they say, there isen´t a grenturee that they will join you. They might then just give you a item. If they join you, conglaute yourself. Now you can begin traning them, becoming very Pokémon like. There is a limit of how many monsters you can recurit. You can recurit about 8 at one time, and there are well over 100 differnt demons to talk to. 2 Hours in the game you get, to a shadow chatinral (no it does not look like a church). In there you can combine 2 monsters, to create a more powerfull monster. There stats and level might either raise, of decresse. You can´t get monsters who has a higher level then your main character, which is good, cause it would be cheating, if you made a level 30 character, way long before, you meet level 30 enemies. The exploring are pretty good. You are in this new wrold, which has some places from Toyko, so happy exploring. There is one bad thing here. Amost everywhere you walk, can become a battlefield, and battles happens amost all the time, and enemies does have many turns, and do a lot of damage, since the overall maximun health is 999. In battles you have 4 turns, but that can pretty quick change. If you do a critial hit, you get a extra turn. If your attack misses, you lose 2 turns, which becomes furstrating, very furstrating. Otherwrise it does a good job. The graphics are really nice. It uses Cel-Sheading Graphics, like Killer 7, and Metal Gear Ac!d 2. The places are nice, but the rooms inside buildings, are for the most of the time, big and empty. The characters are really great designed. Your main character is always instreating to look at, with all the signs all over his body. There is another thing with the places. Some of them look and sound scary. And since it´s also a distubering game, you may wronder if it just coulden´t have been a survival horror game, but it would probely have been less better then it is now. The sound are good. There are good sound effects, and good music. It´s a mix between tecno, and japnese rock music. But no voice acting, which have been added, since a game like this, feels empty without voice acting. But for some, it would be good, cause then we don´t have to hear bad actors. The japnese rock music, is explained (in a way), why it is a part of the game. It´s because of the guest character. It´s none other then the demon slayer, son of Sprada, Dante, from Devil May Cry. His model is taken from Devil May Cry 2. He does look very cool here. He does have a impact in the story. Depending on your choices, he can be either on of the good pepole, or bad pepole. The game is overall very long. The way the stroy floats, depends on choiches, that you make, which of coruse brings endings. There are 6 differnt endings, and over 50 hours of play. I haven´t completed the game yet, so some of the infomation are from internet, and magzines. There are unlockble secerts, and the differnt endings, give some replay value. Overall, this game is surprisingly good. It amost outdone Final Fantasy, and Dark Cloud 2. If there is made a top 3 RPG games list, it would look like this: 1: Final Fantasy 2: Dark Cloud 2 3: Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne/Lucifers Call. Don´t you agree? Anyway, this is a good RPG game. It is insterting games, you can tell that by looking at the game box. So buy this games, if you want a very differnt RPG game.