Highly customizable racing simulation.

User Rating: 6.5 | Shift 2: Unleashed PC
NFS has some fantastic titles in its back pocket. This one will thrill the certain type fanbase that enjoy simulation racing, but for those that are more accustomed to an arcade style gameplay will get very frustrated. The game's car's are highly customizable in which one can spend more time painting and changing decals and wheels etc. on your car than you can racing. This is one of the most attractive parts to this game. The car customization is not only visual, but internal as well like changing the gear ratios or tire pressure which you can actually notice the change when you get on the track. Fantastic use of realism there, however it falls far short of realism when your car comes in contact with another vehicle. It seems as thought the AI cars are nearly always forced onto a line and if you slam into them they will continue on the line while sending you flying off into the dirt or a wall etc. Extremely frustrating especially when you are trying to take that number one spot and you happen to get locked up with the other car landing you in last place and he comes out in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. The leveling up system is really well done. You get proportionate experience for placing on the podium (as well as money) but you can also get experience by continuing to stay on the best line, or by doing a clean overtake of another car, or staying out in the lead. It's a great feeling to go into a race knowing that you'll level up and unlock the next car, get cash etc if you win this next race and then while racing hear the DING! because you gained xp from some driving feat. The game is fun to play my only down side is how frustrating the AI cars are in contact (Sometimes I want to bash a car just for the fun of it and not end me up in last place!)