A masterful blending of fiction with fact to build a tense mystery adventure worthy of the Sherlock Holmes brand.

User Rating: 9 | Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper PC
The game is afoot again, this time with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson trying to solve the mystery behind the infamous Jack the Ripper murders that occored in London during the 1880's.

I was really surprised at how accurate the game was with the facts of the Jack the ripper murders and how well they weaved the fictional character of Sherlock Holmes and story into the real historical events. Very well written dialog, believable characters, and music that sets the tense mood of London under the siege of Jack the Ripper's reign of terror, all build a felling that you are a participant in this time in history. There are no illogical puzzles, like in many adventure games, only realistic evidence gathering and following leads to the next clue. Not only is the is this the best game in the series but it can compete with some of the best adventure games of all time.