If you want to step back and lay down your weapons for awhile then give Sherlock Holmes vs.Jack the Ripper a go

User Rating: 8 | Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper PC
I am a very addicted hard core gamer,every once in a while I like to lay down my arsenal of weapons and tax my mind a bit.If any of my sisters and brothers may also wish to.Then Sherlock Holmes vs.Jack The Ripper is definately worth the small fee that Frog Wares charges for this game. Just maybe it could be true.Since the killer Jack The Ripper was never caught so they say.The game developers sincerly did a lot of homework in developing this pretty cool game.
The game will really tax ones mind,so I sincerly hope you all paid attention to your history proffs and teachers offerings.I don't wish to offer any spoilers so I won't.
You will crack open some old history books beginning way back to the civil war period though to stay abreast of this truly cool game. As one progress's through the game,the player cannot help but feel overwhelmed with so many puzzles.Makes the player wonder though how many scholars the developer has
to help put the story line together,perhaps they throw in a few magicians as well.
With all the different puzzles the game does become a bit frustrating since almost every subject a college type gamer has studied is put to use to get to the end of the game,ohhh perhaps home economics was left out. In all honesty this game is well worth playing and the ending is just as cool as can be.One never knows and it could be true,Since the Ripper was never caught,so they say. One of few games that gave my high tech graphics cards and processor a rest,most of all it had very few bugs and never crashed.