One fine game a must buy

User Rating: 10 | Shenmue II (Limited Edition) DC
Shenmue II starts of just as shenmue left of, with Ryo's ship docking at hong kong Aberdeed with nothing more then a note with some ones name on it who he must find, to help him on his way to find Lan di. Well that sets the story up, I don't want to go to deep in to it but lets just say its one fine story. As you go along you meet lots of new people a long the way, who help you out on your quest to find Lan di.

The game play in shenmue II is a lot like the one you find in shenmue 1 with a virtual fighter like combat system and QTEs action sequences in wich you have to press buttons as they come up on the screen. The citys in shenmue II are all full of life and I have yet to this point in time ever seen it done better its just that good, every NPC has some where to go and some think to do, you can get a job stacking boxes, gamble, arm wrestle, street fight, play darts and this time you can play with the NPC'S, buy stuff from street vendors or go to the arcade where you can play Sega classics like Afterburner, Out Run and Hang on, that is just some of the stuff that you can do in shenmue II. One other good thing that you can do in shenmue II is that you are able to save anywhere.

The graphics in shenmue II are some of the best seen on the Dreamcast to this day they still look good. And its music is just as good, some of the best seen in any game.

Shenmue II to me is one of the best games ever made it does every think so well, if you are looking for a game with a good story and just want to get lost in a game, then shenmue II is the game for you. Now lets just hope for sega to make Shenmue III.