Shellshock is the best Vietnam game Ive ever played, but there were a few things I didnt like

User Rating: 9.2 | ShellShock: Nam '67 PS2
Shellshock was (was because I now own an Xbox) the best Vietnam game for my PS2. It had great action and graphics. The jungles were lush and the defusing of traps were fun, but I usually got blown the **** up...still fun non-the-less.

The gameplay was awesome, Ive always wanted a realistic Vietnam, and as many may disagree, I thought it was really good. The one thing I didnt like was that when you were special forces you were sent in alone a couple times, and Im sorry but I dont think one man can fight Vietnam on his own without getting ripped apart.

The guns were cool and I especially loved the blood and gore, but i didnt like shooting women, even though it really happened...and i dont mean unarmed....these ladies were armed to bear.

Overall this was a good counting off points for not having some kind of multiplayer or co-op...but its something you should look into if you havnt already.