Good, but short Vietnam experience

User Rating: 7.2 | ShellShock: Nam '67 PS2
This game is too short. What it makes up in realism, war horror and good interaction with the player, it loses by being so quick.
If they had any sense they would bring out a second one, and bung more missions in it.
You're just getting into it, just earning your special forces badge, and then suddenly the base is overrun, you do a bit of saving the nurses, shooting the sappers (a great idea to put in a war game) and then thats it, you get told to shelter in the HQ bunker, the place gets Nape'd and thats its... Credit time, thanks for playing, see ya ! With a few levels stuffed ij the middle.
Also some kind of death match option would be good.
The game play itself is good. Only one rifle at a time, various deadly grenades that blow bits off the enemy and even a black market rocket gun that blows everything up in its path.
I don't fully understand why they give you the option of talking to every soldier in the camp, as most have a lot to say about nothing, and indeed why they put the working girls out side the camp for "boom boom" time. This aides you in no way in the game play itself, and appears to have been tagged on just to get those of us with a naughty sense of humour smirking a bit.
The gore is indeed intense, but not over the top. It's pretty real. Shoot a man (or woman!!) in the head and his head most likely will come apart like a melon. Its really not for kids. Another good example are the VC that don't die, but plead for their lives or moan in agony before you enevitably put one in their head. (Remember...its still just a game).
The little things that make games fum to play are here too, shootable pigs and buffalo (yes I do enjoy it...its only a game!!) and the taunts of the VC as you track them, and shoot at them in the jungles and cities of Vienam.
One of the downers is that your squad never die, even when they take massive amounts of lead (usually from you, as they have a tendancy to run into your line of fire... and then they have the audacity to shout out "Hey !! Stop that !!"))
A really nice game, but far too short to get any kind of real intense enjoyment out of.