A fantastic turn based strategy game that truly leaves the most jaded war gamer furiously rethinking their strategy.

User Rating: 8.8 | Shattered Union PC
I never once drew the conclusion that this was anything like advance wars as this type game predates advance wars by almost ten to twenty years. I have never been so challenged by a wargame like this game does. I found the lack of a diplomacy mode a bit discouraging, but once the action starts, you forget about that. The action is paced quite well and really makes you think each move as losing units can cause a good game to go bad very quickly. My only other complaint is the lack of funds in the campaign game. After each battle you really feel like you don't have enough funds to resupply. And forget it if you lose multiple aircraft, with the price of aircraft you should just restart the battle over. It is a great feeling though when you are finally victorious. This is a game not for the light hearted as to complete a campaign it will take much reloading(I save at the beginning of each battle and recommend you do the same) and careful troop movements. The only other enhancements I would have liked to see is a more technological edge to the game. Why are we wasting humvees and partisans to find enemies when GPS is available? Kind of unrealistic as the modern battle field has many resources at its disposal to find enemies. Overall I do love this game and I can put aside my complaints as it is by far the best game in it's genre in many years. I highly recommend this to armchair generals and wargame enthusiasts.