I believe this game this game is really underrated

User Rating: 7.5 | Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice) GC
Although i do agree that the Guns and other stuff should've been taken out and avoided altogether if you look past that the game seems pretty great.

So Shadow who is one of the most beloved character in the Sonic Universe finally gets the spotlight in his very own game Its story line with the story line kinda being a sorta sequal to Sonic adventure 2 Shadow is trying to figure out his purpose in life then all of a sudden aliens attack a nearby city Shadow goes to check it out upon going into the city he finds Black Doom who is the leader of the Aliens attacking he tells you he knows quite a bit of your past.

What really unique about the game is the multiple roads you can go through you can be evil or good or somewhere between so each mission has multiple paths you can take which boost the replay value not only that but the music in each stage is awesome and will almost have you dancing (or at least tapping your foot) while playing each level.

The only problem i have with this game are the guns and other weaponry in this game when i first saw this i was disappointed and i said to myself GUNS in a Sonic game....I thought this was Shadow the hedgehog not Call of Duty.The next thing that constantly annoys me in this game is the Camera now we all know Cameras are pretty tricky to get around but this one sucks and it gets in the way in the heap of the game.

Final Rundown
Graphics: 7/10
Controls: 7/10
Gameplay: 8/10
Replay Value: Very High
Buy or rent: Buy

Final Comment: If you look past the guns and crap it is a pretty good Sonic.....errrr Shadow game.