Not better than other Sonic games

User Rating: 5 | Shadow the Hedgehog (Player's Choice) GC
As a Sonic fan I have to say, this video game is okay. It's not better than other Sonic games that I owned and played. So far as I know it doesn't have any bugs at all. Its doesn't have that Sonic feel to it. I think Sonic Team went to far on the difficultly level on this game. They made it too you have to way too much in order to clear the missions, and clearing each mission will take too much time. I thought this video game was for kids, but I know no kids alone could clear this game. The difficultly takes away the fun out of the video game actually. Sonic Team need to start make their Sonic based characters games more like Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast. On Sonic Adventure the difficultly was just right and the video game was actually fun. On the latest Sonic 3-D games they're just missing that element, and making it way too hard to clear (it had taken me 2 or 3 years to figured out how to clear Sonic Adventure 2). The graphics were decent (especially on the cut scenes). Take my advice rent it first, and the choice is yours.