Shadow of the Colosus? They should have called it Shadow of the missing Game

User Rating: 4 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
Well if you are looking for rides with your horse through empty countysides in search of killing Monsters. Then this is the game for you. First the graphics are good. However you do need more than a wonderous view and your horse. No other battles and upgrades other than killing the 16 Bosses after the other. The battles are tedious and boring. I need more substance ro atleast a village, and how about another person or being to see besides a abandoned city or world. The monsters are pretty easy to kill once you figure how to climb and then either use your sword or arrow? WOW what fun LOL.....The game gets pretty boring after a while....Just kill bosses and that's it. I still have no idea why individuals gave this a ten....This looks like an incompleted game...Just think of God of War wwithout the ministories and other characters..There you have it..This game is missing something..What.....The other pieces..Towns, upgrades, common something else besides Monsters.....Well I will not say anymore. Just be careful when you play this..If you like games without substance, then this is for you........I agree with another user whgou said it should be called me and my Horse. Who bty trhe way keeps getting in the way and drives like a blind man driving a Sportscar in a race.